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This website is currently under construction
and was last updated on 10/17/2010.

Scroll down for specific updates!

   Let's Play Gamers is a website where you can browse and view user-submitted Let's Play videos. Currently, the website is under construction, so there is a very limited selection of Let's Play videos. If you have any Let's Plays you would like to submit to be featured here, simply send us an E-Mail and we will get back to you ASAP. The more submissions recieved, the faster the website will grow! Please only submit your own videos, not those of another Let's Player. If you know of another Let's Play series you think should be featured here, you can always recommend us to him/her, or send us a message asking us to look at their work. Thank you for your help in getting this website up and running!

- "The Management"


   10/17/10 :: The archive page has been added to include "Ace Combat 6" by contributor AbortFlight.

   10/10/10 :: Website has officially been launched! Our first archived videos were contributed by Gotchagary, Docithe and LieutenantRimu! Thanks everybody for your support!

© 2010 Lets Play Gamers